As a long-time member of BIAN, Zafin is the first participating member to attain BIAN certification and works with a variety of member banks as each institution contemplates its unique approach towards modernization of core systems.

Zafin is a key contributor to proof of concept projects initiated by the BIAN Group, sharing expertise on externalizing product and pricing capabilities alongside the BIAN framework, architecture and APIs so retail and corporate banks can modernize their existing legacy cores and optimize business operations. The current Proof of Concept, PoC 3, will demonstrate to clients and prospects the value of using BIAN’s service landscape and Zafin’s SaaS platform to unlock the capabilities associated with open banking. Zafin is uniquely positioned to consume, analyse and suggest suitable financial propositions for bank clients.

BIAN Insights

Thought Leadership
BIAN Executive Director Hans Tesselaar and John Mason, Senior Vice President, Innovation at Zafin discuss how banks can leverage proof of concept projects driven by BIAN, Zafin and other BIAN members so banks can move to more agile environments and better outcomes via multi-core modernization strategies.
Thought Leadership
Charaka Kithulegoda, Chief Information Officer & Executive Vice President Retail Banking at PNC along with Hans Tesselaar, BIAN Executive Director and Venkataraman Balasubramanian, CTO at Zafin discuss PNC Bank’s path to modernization including the usage of BIAN service domains and APIs along with Zafin’s product and pricing platform to reduce revenue leakage and increase profitability.