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Externalize product and pricing

Move your product and pricing management from your core banking system to a flexible, enterprise-wide layer, enhancing scalability and agility, allowing for faster innovation and easier adjustments

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Launch new personalized propositions quickly

Overcome core system limitations to create and launch personalized product propositions in minutes, not years

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Respond to evolving customer needs

Keep up with your customers’ evolving needs and expectations by quickly creating and delivering new, competitive product propositions

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Comply with continuous regulatory demands

Stay on top of ongoing regulatory requirements by making sure the product propositions match your customers’ current eligibility

Product lifecycle

Streamline every stage of your product lifecycle

From creating and building innovative products to analyzing their performance, Zafin Product & Pricing enhances every stage of your bank’s entire product lifecycle

Product transformation

Revolutionize your product catalog with a comprehensive suite of design and management tools

Zafin supports every stage of the product lifecycle, from design and delivery to maintenance and monitoring


Lead the market with innovative products

Outpace competition with innovative, market-leading products based on strong product and competitive research

  • Stay on top of your competition’s product offerings
  • Make sense of the data quickly through Zafin Copilot, our in-platform Gen AI assistant
  • Easily monitor your best (or worst) performing products over time
  • Predict outcomes with greater certainty by assessing the revenue impact of new propositions

Launch product propositions to market at scale and speed

Meet ever-increasing customer demands by cutting development time and launching new propositions faster than ever

  • Manage and configure all types of products, including third-party and non-financial, from a single place
  • Create product variants with minimal efforts
  • Streamline new launches by eliminating changes across multiple systems
  • Empower business users to manage changes with minimal/no IT intervention

Make strategic decisions with confidence using crystal clear data

Get clear visibility into your products, packages, and offers’ performance to make confident, data-backed decisions

  • Provide leadership with visibility into any attrition or unexpected volume variances to address key risks and opportunities
  • Allow RMs to assess product usage and directly engage customers to address shortfalls
  • Empower RMs view portfolio performance, monitor customer activities, and receive support for future negotiations

Enterprise product management

Create an enterprise-wide product catalog

A centralized place for product information enables you to respond to the accelerating pace of change

iconProduct Catalog

Product Catalog

Create and manage banking products and services

iconProposition Manager

Proposition Manager

Rapidly build personalized propositions and offers

iconProduct Explorer

Product Explorer

See a unified view of the performance of your products and features

Increase efficiency

A single platform for defining and distributing product information eliminates silos and speeds up time-to-market

Launch relevant, personalized value propositions

Hyper-personalized products and services help your bank compete more effectively and retain customers more easily

Implement robust eligibility controls

Clear visibility into product eligibility helps your bank prevent misselling and ensure the right fit for each customer

Improve your employees’ experience

An easily accessible product catalog eliminates fragmented processes and creates a modern workspace, helping your bank attract and retain top talent

Dynamic Relationship Pricing

Meet your customers where they are

Deliver the right product to your customers at the right price and in the right context

iconProduct Catalog

Product Catalog

Create and manage banking products and services

iconProposition Manager

Proposition Manager

Rapidly build personalized propositions and offers

iconRates & Fees

Rates & Fees

Manage and provide transparency for rates and fees

Get a 360-degree view of your customer

Leverage our APIs and streaming tools to unify all customer relationship data into a real-time, actionable view

Adopt product and pricing to suit your customers’ circumstances

Dynamically adjust your propositions and pricing to align with your customers’ journey

Create personalized offers for your customers

Harness customer insights to pinpoint gaps and swiftly create personalized offers to address them

Ensure regulatory compliance

Stay compliant by ensuring that offered products align with customers’ eligibility status

Quote to cash

Address key gaps in transaction banking

Eliminate outdated fragmented processes for Relationship Managers and plug fee leakages across your organization

iconDeal Manager

Deal Manager

Automate pricing negotiations of profitable client deals



Centralize invoice and billing for business and corporate clients

Improve efficiency and Return on Equity

Eliminate write-offs by ensuring your revenue and profitability numbers aligns perfectly with your financial forecasts

Maintain your customers’ trust

Ensure 100% consistency between customer agreements and their pricing and billing

Reduce risks and costs of fragmented processes

Provide all stakeholders with visibility into customer-level pricing, actuals, and commitments in a single, unified, and fully digitized format

360-degree view of your customer

Gain complete and clear visibility into all products and services customers have and are eligible for

Data and analytics

Transform your data into action

Enable a comprehensive customer view, supercharge your analytics, and simplify your product development, all using a BIAN-aligned data set

iconZafin Data Fabric

Zafin Data Fabric

Unify your data into a BIAN-aligned analytics and data store

iconDynamic Cohorts

Dynamic Cohorts

Create actionable cohorts from your first-party data



Set and receive proactive alerts based on your customers' behavior

Democratize data

Break down silos and democratize your data, empowering teams with a comprehensive customer view for enhanced business intelligence, analytics, and data product creation

Access BIAN-aligned data sets

Leverage Zafin’s BIAN-aligned data sets for seamless data integration, reporting, and model development. Extend your capabilities by modeling metrics and exposing them as aggregates via data APIs for use across channel applications.

Rapidly create data products

Innovate faster by effortlessly creating data products that drive informed decisions, solve problems, and support various business needs

Connect with us

Learn how our products and solutions can help your bank grow and modernize

Zafin Product & Pricing capabilities

Learn more about our features and benefits