Product benefits

Our composable technology allows you to:

  • Externalize product and pricing from your core systems into a cross-enterprise layer
  • Manufacture and distribute your offerings to respond to evolving customer needs while complying with continuous regulatory demands 
  • Rapidly simplify your core product systems and launch new personalized propositions at scale and at speed

Product Features

Here’s what you’ll get with Zafin: 


All Integration Patterns Supported

Seamless integration via APIs, event streaming and batch based on use case and bank capabilities

Webpage Gears

Core Agnostic

Easy integration to all core systems and product processors



Continuous innovation and evergreen with monthly release pipeline

Search Code


Release new product configurations and variations through pipeline-automated deployments

Cloud Native SaaS

Zafin’s cloud-native SaaS ensures maximum uptime and uncompromised security, powering your bank’s digital transformation.

Target Shield

Security Monitoring

Zafin delivers unmatched security through Azure Security Center, Microsoft Defender, Microsoft Intune for Cloud, and advanced forensic tools ensuring robust monitoring, transparency, and control.

Auditing and Governance

Zafin utilizes diverse systems, including security, activity, workflow, and network logs, to conduct internal and external audits. We also perform regular vulnerability assessments and contract saturation tests on each bank’s service instances for enhanced security measures.
Gear Arrows


Zafin ensures high availability with multiple zones, data redundancy, and daily backups. Our disaster recovery mechanisms prioritize security, while our scalable infrastructure promptly meets customer demands.
Select List


Zafin complies with international standards including SOC-1, SOC-2, and ISO 27001, ensuring adherence to banking regulations across 18 global jurisdictions.



Zafin operates each bank’s instance exclusively, ensuring secure access and defense through Azure’s DDOS Protection and Intrusion Prevention systems.

Combine Files


Zafin relies on the Identity Provider of each bank for user and role management. We support multiple providers and enable seamless single sign-on using SAML 2.0 and Auth0.



We provide round-the-clock dedicated support for critical and security incidents, ensuring
adherence to our standard uptime SLAs. Your business is our top priority.

Integration Features

The Zafin Product & Pricing supports seamless integration to your bank’s surrounding ecosystem with pre-built accelerators to drive time-to-value for our customers. 

Realtime REST APIs

For scenarios where fees, rates or product eligibility need to be assessed in real time, we feature a well-documented API catalog

File-Based Batch

Standard interfaces for input and output and exchange via SFTP over a secure network

Event Streaming

For scenarios where near real-time updates need to be ingested or published with standard specification for topics

1    final String url = "https://server/zrpe/rs/rates/v2/timedeposit/standardrate"
3    final RPEServiceRequest rpeServiceRequest = new RPEServiceRequest();
4    rpeServiceRequest.setEffectiveDate(effectiveDate);
5    rpeServiceRequest.setProductCode(productCode);
6    rpeServiceRequest.setRateRegion(rateRegion);
7    finalString body = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(rpeServiceRequest);
9    final HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
10   .uri(URI.create(url))
11   .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
12   .header("Authorization", "Bearer " + authToken)
13   .POST(HttpRequest.BodyPublishers.ofString(body))
14   .build();
15   final HttpResponse response = HttpClient.newHttpClient();
16   .send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
17   return response;

Product capabilities

Unleash the power of the platform with our capabilities

Product Catalog

Product Catalog 

Assemble and distribute customer-centric banking products and services  

Rates & Fees 

Manage and provide transparency for all rates and fees pricing 

Proposition Manager

Proposition Manager

Rapidly respond to the market through personalized propositions and offers

Deal Manager 

Deal Manager 

Digitize the negotiation of profitable, client-specific deals



Consolidate and automate billing for Commercial and Corporate clients



Monitor, detect and adjust your products, pricing, propositions, rewards and relationships

Dynamic Cohorts 

Transform first-party data to create cohorts and tiers and make them actionable


Enable proactive alerting and take actions based on customer behavior

Data Fabric

Unify data from diverse sources into a cohesive, BIAN-aligned analytics and operational data store